Friday, July 07, 2006

Supreme Ruler of the Universe Buckley

We’ve been talking about names since before we even agreed to have kids. Betty Buckley is a favorite because we figure with that name she would either be the most popular girl in school or a complete hellraiser. But she could also just be Betty, totally normal, and that’s cool too. I think it is funny the way some parents name their kids as if they are giving them an identity, like Ceasar and Prince (not the rocker, but a guy I know called Prince Taylor). I mean, are you serious? Do you think you are somehow instilling the qualities of a ruler into your child? If so, then why not go for King, Zeus or Apollo? I got two emails today from a woman named Delight Allen that were very charming to be sure… but still. And Hope… that name just bugs me. Like hope for what? World peace? Free love? Or like your child has to be named the literal way you feel about her? If I did that, depending on my hormone balance, we could wind up with Fear, Trepidation, Elation, or just plain I’m not Ready Buckley. B’s suggestion along this vein was Rock Your World Buckley, or Rules for short.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rae - this has nothing to do with supreme ruler - but i didn't want to forget to let you know that the two muu-muu's - Salvation Army Rehobeth circa 1990? - are in mint condition - should I forward them?? By the way - do I know Brooklyn brothel??? how do I get out of this thing now??? tia j

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Names for the Buckley child:
Spooky Tooth
William F.
Sucka Free
Lily Belle ("Li'l B" for short)
Bartholomew Motherfucking

9:53 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Young Beezy
Monte Cristo

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I'm a first-time reader, but I felt compelled to poat a few of my personal faves:
Okay, I'll stop there.

5:16 PM  
Blogger p-phag said...

You should name your kid after a popular candy. Everyone loves candy.

6:02 PM  

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