Friday, July 07, 2006

The gift and the curse

My sense of smell is nothing short of bionic at this point. I smelled a cigarette butt that was in someone’s pocket from across the room, and I can smell our basement on the second floor. I think I can smell the difference between coke and pepsi, although that has not been fully tested by an impartial third party. My new favorite thing is a lavender candle that sits by my bed that I don’t even have to burn to be able to smell. Anyway, if I could be an X-Men character I would be the one that smells out enemies and dangerous situations. When I was not fighting crime I could use my powers for the benefit human kind. I could smell out designer or fake, for example. I only wish that I could turn my nose off for the unpleasant smells. Poor B practically has to go through radiation decontamination when he gets home from work because I can smell raw seafood on his clothes. I also have started to take a ridiculous path to the bathroom at work to avoid a rite-aid perfume wearer who obviously believes that more is more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Codename: The Honker
Secret Identity: R. Buckley, Mild-Mannered City Planner
Powers:Increased hormonal activity grants The Honker the ability to smell more powerfully than the average human. Criminals hiding in "secret" lairs might as well run up a white flag when The Honker catches their scent. Villains' secret indentities are things of the past; The Honker can identify not only who a disguised evildoer really is, but what they had for breakfast and when their costume was last washed.
Arch-Enemy: Dr. Funk
Quote: "That was you."

9:48 AM  

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