Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Bucklegram

Similar to a Labradoodle, a Dalmador, or a Schnoodle, Betty will be a genetic cross-breed of Buckley and Graham characteristics and features. B and I agree that with our genetic codes there will be no escaping curly hair and big noses, but further than that we’ll have to wait and see. We think there is a high probability for nerd tendencies because I have been known to carry that banner and B has a wide geek streak that comes out during star trek episodes, discussions of cloud formations, and anything outer-space related. The play-well-with-others characteristic is a total roll of the dice because B and I couldn’t be further apart on that spectrum: he genuinely likes people whereas I like to be far far away from most people. Athletically, it would be for the best if she took after her Buckley side, but no matter what B says, she’ll do best to utilize her Graham side during board and card games. Either way, people will like her more if she falls in the Buckley category for her competitive nature as mine tends to exhibit itself in accusatory challenges, the phrase, “that’s bullsh*t,” and downright cheating. Physically, for her sake, I hope she takes after me in the foot department, and takes after B in the calf department, but either way her booty is going to be smoking.


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