Appearing tonight...
Sleep is one of those things you only notice when you do not have it. Sort of like electricity or plumbing, you rely on its functionality on a daily basis but never take a moment to think about why or how it works. Lately, I have nothing but moments to think about it because apparently sleep has stopped working for me. Actually, to be precise, sleep only works sporadically and I have no idea what makes it stop or go. I feel like Woody Allen when I talk about it because I whine and analyze to the camera constantly and find my opinions on the topic fascinating. I can also be kind of Meryl Streepish about it but that performance is reserved solely for the benefit of my husband and only shows at 4am. One night I was a little Courtney Love about it and took some Tylenol PM, but I had such a sleep hangover the next day I kicked the habit immediately. Most recently I became kind of Howard Hughes about it when I bought an expensive pillow and started to develop an OCD way of setting my bed up at night. Anyway, at this point one byproduct from my lack of sleep should be completely obvious, and that is the fact that I’m watching an insane amount of television.
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